Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Next Intellectual Purge?

Is there a darkness approaching the human race? I fear that greed and ignorance may lead us into another age of darkness. But the greed I see is not from the so called wealthy, but from the rulers, the poor, and the middle class. Our desires to "have it all" has created a situation in which we now are prepared to once again rob from the rich and give to the poor. Our government now operates under the notion that we must spread the wealth around for "social justice." Of course when they say we, they mean the government. This is an attack not only on the prosperous among us, but it will spread to all intellectuals. History points the way. What is happening now has happened before. The trash heap of world governments is littered with failed attempts at social justice and Socialism. Justice must be blind and applied across everyone if we are to have a civil society. When the government decides who is the winner and who is the loser, there is no justice only total government.

For quite a few years I've watched as our society begins a steady regression. I see much of our educational system turning into indoctrination as various groups work to have their agenda taught or certain items removed from the curriculum. Are our children given the opportunity to think, or are they told what to think? Instead of presenting both sides of arguments are they told only one side? Without critical thinking abilities we have citizens that are easily mislead and don't understand what it means to be free. Too many of our citizen seem to think that freedom means that they are free from responsibility. They also have become dependent on others for everything. America's freedoms are built upon responsibility and shared sacrifice. But it seems that too many think that they are privileged and need only ask and the government, read everyone else, should take away their troubles.

We as a society are dependent on those who have the abilities to lead and create the things that we need. These engineers and entrepreneur are the engines that have created the prosperity that we all enjoy. We do live on the shoulders of giants. But for several years we see more and more people demanding, including our current leadership, that power be centralized, and that all answers come from one source. In the past many as many nations fall into the darkness, they purge anyone and anything that disagrees with the orthodoxy of the time. As political matter become paramount in everyday life, the lives of those governed become more controlled. As we see with the current Political Correctness in the way that many use it to destroy anyone who disagrees, we see communications in day to day life controlled, and an intrusion of the "thought police" into everyday life.
