Will we see the type of riots that are occurring in Greece in our country? With the number of government workers expanding, private sector jobs shrinking, fewer people paying taxes, and more on government assistance it is just a matter of time before the system will fail. The government continues to borrow and print money beyond any reasonable levels. The progressive and liberal movements are full of young, poorly educated, uninformed, and proven violent radicals. As displayed all the time.
There is no history of violence in the current 9/12 and Tea Party movements. Small incidence on either side don't count, since it would be easy to blame either side when it was staged. The recent town-hall events may have been loud, but that is not the same as rolling cars, burning buildings, and throwing bricks as has been seen in many left wing demonstration. But we as a people can not fall for a Reichstag fire hoax. With the constant lies that are being spread by our elected officials, I have no faith in them. I fear the Progressives may soon become tired of waiting for the violence to start and commit an act to blame on those who oppose their fascist agenda. I can only hope that my fears will not be realized.
The current elected officials have shown that they are not concerned with peace, civility, the Constitution, the law, or the will of the people. It seems that they see no bounds to their power. Their actions show that they are willing to go to any lengths to pass their agenda. This is a very bad sign for our nation and republic. We now live under the tyranny of the minority.
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So will there be fighting in the streets? I hope not. But we must be vigilante of those on the left. The Progressive Left wing media is hoping for it. They also have an agenda that they have been pushing and have worked hard to discredit anyone who has exposed it. Notice the pattern. They personally attack anyone who uses their words against them. They equate the exposure of a person's beliefs as a personal attack. If beliefs where within the mainstream of public thinking then it would not be seen unusual. But when you expose someone and their radical ideas and are attacked, it is time to look at the attacker. We must not fight back and defeat these radicals in the arena of ideas. If we don't we could find ourselves under the rule of radicals with no bounds.
We must not allow the majority to be shouted down by those who would do us harm. They've lied about us, called us names, ridiculed, and denied us for too long. We must work to retake the discussion and shout down those who would enslave us to half baked ideas and historically proven failed systems. This is a fight for our future. We must take it to the ballot boxes and our town halls. Our voices must be heard before they are taken away.
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